From church leaders
From clients
From church leaders
Tyner and I have been friends for over 30 years and fellow Christian
counselors for over 20 years. It was an honor to participate in
both Dane's ordination and his wedding to Kathy. We have spent
time in each others homes, traveled together, and presented workshops
together. I know Dane as a faithful husband and father, a serious
student of Scripture, and a competent counselor. You will be blessed
and encouraged both by his ministry of counseling and teaching."
Dr. Don Ott, Evangelist & Psychologist
lost my wife of almost 28 years to cancer at age 49 has focused
my heart on what really matters in this life – relationships,
especially the relationship with your spouse and children. I am
thankful my late wife and I had a very good marriage. We worked
at it and it was worth all the effort! HIM is designed to help
build stronger marriages. “Help” is not a bad word
in marriage. It just might be the four-letter word your marriage
needs. Dane Tyner can HELP. Seek help while you still have time.
Your marriage was designed by God to be the closest relationship
we can get to heaven this side of heaven. HIM can help your marriage
be heavenly.”
Jim Miller, Minister, missionary, Campus
very happy to recommend to you Dane Tyner and Home Improvement.
My wife, Jan, and I have supported and encouraged his ministry for
almost 10 years now. As a pastor I am constantly confronted with
counseling issues. Many of these issues are either beyond my expertise
or need more time than I have to give to them. I am ALWAYS comfortable
about referring them to Home Improvement. In fact, Home Improvement
is almost always the first one I turn to for referral. What a great
support this ministry is to our local churches!”
Terry Bell, Senior Pastor, Life Park Christian Fellowship,
"When people come to me for a referral for
individual or couple counseling, I know they are seeking someone
who has strong professional skills, but even more important to most
is to get counseling from a wise, mature Christian. When I send
someone to Home Improvement Ministry, I KNOW they will receive prayer
and wise counsel. They will also be treated with a gentle touch
that reflects God's love for them. What a blessing!"
Charlene Giles, M.A., L.M.F.T. Director of Care
and Marriage, Asbury UMC, Tulsa, OK
"With pleasure I commend to the Christian community
my friend, Dane Tyner. I have known Dane since the 1970’s
when he was a member of the Bellaire Christian Church where I served
as minister. He became my associate, then my successor. Dane and
his wife, Kathy, are a team. They bring a maturity to ministry that
is the result of personal tragedies, faced and conquered through
their faith in the Living Christ. For a number of years it was apparent
to me that counseling was God’s call upon Dane’s life.
It has been gratifying to see that call come to fruition. I am acquainted
with couples and individuals who have been greatly helped in resolving
life issues through their ministry. Dane is a man of high integrity,
honesty, deep compassion, and gifted in helping hurting individuals
experience healing, deliverance, and discovering God’s purpose
for their lives."
James W. Garrett, Tulsa Christian Fellowship
“I have known Dane's wife Kathy for a number
of years. We worked together while serving at Christ In Youth. It
was always a joy to work with her and to keep in touch with her
over the years.
A few years ago Kathy and Dane joined Highland
Park Christian Church where I serve as one of the elders. Kathy
and Dane have become an integral part of the the body of Highland
Park by taking on leadership roles in our small group program, leading
an adult bible class and teaching various leadership seminars. We
are so thankful to have them in our fellowship.
Dane's personal knowledge of the word of
God and his professional training as a marriage counselor has been
such an asset to the congregation. We have drawn on Dane's expertise
and professional training to lead in special sessions on family
relations, conflict resolution, mentoring and small group dynamics.
His sessions are always well prepared, professionally presented
and steeped in spiritual insight.
It has also been my privilege to get to know Dane
on a personal level over breakfast every few weeks. He has become
an accountability partner, prayer partner and good friend. I have
come to value his friendship and Godly influence in my personal
I am happy to say that I have not had the need to call
on Dane for his professional marriage counseling advice but I would
not hesitate to recommend him to anyone who has that need. His knowledge
of Godly life principles that he applies to his everyday life, and
his professional expertise would make him highly qualified to help
those struggling with the tough things life throws their way.”
Jerry Wade, Elder, Highland Park Christian
Church, Tulsa, OK
"Dane has helped our Celebrate Recovery ministry
by providing training lessons based on biblical truths as they relate
to recovery issues. He relates well to those that are recovering
from lifes hurts, habits, and hangups, and his guidance has been
both practical and inspirational. Dane is someone we can trust to
partner with us and help strengthen our ministry."
Ron & Halee Wood, CR Minsitry leaders,
Highland Park Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
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From clients
I considered getting counseling help, the largest and most memorable
concern was opening up all the way with myself.
Dane handled my situation with his experience and knowledge so
well that I repeatedly still look back to our sessions to keep
myself focused and in the know.
“My suggestion to anyone considering counseling:
Get help now. The faster you are able to admit things to yourself,
the faster you can work on improving your quality of life.”
A Tulsa resident
“Preparing to go to my first appointment, I knew
I would cry as I expressed my hurt and confusion. I dreaded letting
the tears and sobs come out in front of someone. After the things
I’d stuffed all came out and it was all met with understanding,
love, and Spirit-led guidance, my life became more ‘doable’
“I had complete trust in Dane to understand and
give me godly counsel. Each session he prayed for me. I praise the
Lord for Dane and Mary’s ministries to other hurting people.
As scary as it may be, don’t delay seeking godly
counsel. Your spiritual and emotional health will affect your whole
family, your friends, and your physical health”
A Tulsa resident
“I was in a crisis situation when I sought help. After 33
years of marriage, my husband left me. I felt so abandoned and
fell in a pit of despair. My faith in God and His work is what
I held on to. My sessions with Dane helped stabilize me. He showed
me how to clarify my goals, gave me a picture of God’s love,
support, insight into relationship issues, and how to navigate
through our conflict. Through Dane’s counsel, I got out
of the pit of despair and my marriage was restored. Praise God!
“At first I was apprehensive about seeking
counsel because I had done that before and didn’t feel any
better off. After a few sessions, I knew Dane had deep insight
about relationship issues and God’s wisdom. He helped me
‘take courage’ when I was threatened by verbal attacks.
The Lord is the defense of my life, whom shall I fear?
“If you’re procrastinating, I say, Just
do it! Push ahead of fear; don’t let fear push you! God
is for you and HIM is your cheerleading team!”
A Tulsa resisdent
I started counseling, I wanted to know that I wasn’t ‘crazy’.
I needed to talk to someone, being totally truthful and not worrying
about hurting someone’s feelings. I needed someone who could
be objective and tell me what I needed to hear, even if it was
stressful to hear it. I loved the fact that Mary prayed with me
and for me. I was more than encouraged and helped by talking to
a kind and caring person and by the advice given which I knew
was godly advice and also professional advice.
“Mary was very understanding. She treated me
with the utmost respect. I knew she would keep everything confidential.
Not only was my experience very good, I also recommended HIM to
my daughter and daughter-in-law. They were both helped greatly.
“I would always recommend a Christian counselor
over one who is not Christian. I have a family member who got
very useless/bad counseling from a secular person, even though
they had the credentials. Not relating everything spiritually
was worthless and actually hindered her recovery.
“DON’T PROCRASTINATE. It’s not going to get
better. If you need help, you need it now.”
A Tulsa Resident
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